Monday, June 17, 2002
Yum! The Better Half cooked marinated pork with steamed carrots and rice. He is so talented. I proposed that I would be the breadwinner and he could be the house husband. :) But since we both like working, it wouldn't quite happen that way. After dinner, the Better Half guided my domestically challenged self through washing dishes. I mean, I can keep a double lumen hickman catheter sterile and free of infection, but the part of the brain for domestic duties is fried with me. I don't like housework, and I am bad at it. The Better Half understands.
Now I am hellatired. Time to settle in, watch more Sex and The City, and eat dessert- Krispy Kreme doughnuts! And no, I didn't swim today. But I will tomorrow.
Now I am hellatired. Time to settle in, watch more Sex and The City, and eat dessert- Krispy Kreme doughnuts! And no, I didn't swim today. But I will tomorrow.