Thursday, July 11, 2002

So sleep deprived. 12 hours ago, I was transfusing blood!

Big John and I are discussing 80s hair bands. Check out his blog, Mixed Nuts, along with our friend Karelle, the Old Maid in the Garret. I have links now, so you might as well use em! I now have many friends in Blogger World.

Presenting, a totally true IM conversation between me and my mom, which took place earlier today:
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: Jen, are you there this is mom
JMS62777: Hello Mom! Yes, I am here!
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: why aren't you sleeping
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: what is your work schedule this weekend
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: when are you leaving for Canada
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: I talked to Father Mike Renniger today and told him you date John and he said what a small world!
JMS62777: Whoa!
I am not sleeping because I am off tonight. I am off Sat and Sun. I work tomorrow night. We leave for Canada on WEDNESDAY.
Yes, it is a small world after all.
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: Okay, no more questions. when do you come home. We leave for the beach on the 28th. I just need to arrange for a feeding schedule for the dogs.
JMS62777: Father Mike is so rad.
JMS62777: I come back the 29th.
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: What is rad?
JMS62777: I can feed the dogs starting the 30th.
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: I will arrange for Karen to feed the dogs til the 29th and then you can start on the 30th. Is that okay?
JMS62777: "Rad" = 80's slag, meaning "very cool."
JMS62777: Yes, that schedule is fine.
JEN&SHAYZMAMA: Okay I will let you rest now. go to sleep.
JMS62777: Okay mom, bye! see where I get it from??? ;D

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