Thursday, November 21, 2002
So, things went really well today. Job Number One involves a nurse going around the hospital performing admission assessments. They expect ten a day, which isn't too bad. It's Monday thru Friday. The nurse manager seemed really cool. Her name is Linda, she is Master's prepared and she drops in on Saturdays and Sundays to check up on the staff. She seems so cool. She oversees 50 beds. It sounds pretty good. Tomorrow I will email her my resume.
The big meeting with Barbara lasted about 30 minutes. It went pretty well. She was concerned and wanted to know if I could do the job without compromising my health. I reassured her I could, and I really really liked the job and the company's attitude. I almost told her the thing about the bag (see below) but I knew that was going overboard. I realize maybe I shouldn't have said anything about it, but I have a feeling they would have asked sooner or later, if they'd asked Lorraine, she probably would have told them too. Well, basically, we clarified that, and she said between those concerns (which I hoped were clarified) and the upcoming JACHO visit were the only two things that were holding me back from being hired. She said I meshed well with the staff and that I would work well with everyone, and that the two girls I rode around with were impressed with me, so that is good. She said she had no doubt that I could do the job. So that sounds good.
The dermatologist's office is a nice place too. I could do a lot of fun things there: inservices, patient education seminars, health fairs, support groups. Also would operate the photo therapy machine and do some procedures with the docs. It sounds like they need a nurse's touch. There are docs, there are medical assistants, and there are administrators, but no nurses. A nurse on your staff guarantees you have a counselor, pharmacology expert, sympathetic ear, staff therapist, and much more!
The big meeting with Barbara lasted about 30 minutes. It went pretty well. She was concerned and wanted to know if I could do the job without compromising my health. I reassured her I could, and I really really liked the job and the company's attitude. I almost told her the thing about the bag (see below) but I knew that was going overboard. I realize maybe I shouldn't have said anything about it, but I have a feeling they would have asked sooner or later, if they'd asked Lorraine, she probably would have told them too. Well, basically, we clarified that, and she said between those concerns (which I hoped were clarified) and the upcoming JACHO visit were the only two things that were holding me back from being hired. She said I meshed well with the staff and that I would work well with everyone, and that the two girls I rode around with were impressed with me, so that is good. She said she had no doubt that I could do the job. So that sounds good.
The dermatologist's office is a nice place too. I could do a lot of fun things there: inservices, patient education seminars, health fairs, support groups. Also would operate the photo therapy machine and do some procedures with the docs. It sounds like they need a nurse's touch. There are docs, there are medical assistants, and there are administrators, but no nurses. A nurse on your staff guarantees you have a counselor, pharmacology expert, sympathetic ear, staff therapist, and much more!