Thursday, January 09, 2003

So, today at work is rather boring. I feel terribly useless sitting reading a book. I decided to blog. It's rather pleasant because I have a cubicle and a bit of privacy. At the hospital you had no privacy whatsoever, so coworkers were privy to thoughts that didn't concern them.
Here though, I don't think my coworkers would be really interested. I don't have a whole lot in common with my coworkers as a whole. I think we're all at different places in our lives. I don't consider myself the most sophisticated person in the world, but I do like ballet, NPR, theology, and some fine arts. Mainly, the conversations I've been privy to involve sporting events, shooting pool, their boyfriends and Joe Millionaire. Apparently though, everyone loves Joe. People who I consider to be highly educated, intelligent, articulate people flock to prime slime reality tv like a moth to candlelight. I've never really gotten into reality TV. I have no idea who "won" Survivor (except one was a naked gay guy) I find people striving for their 15 minutes of fame rather pathetic and small. I remember a catchphrase of 'reality bites!' Now they can't seem to get enough of it.

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