Thursday, February 27, 2003
The Last Three Days in a Nutshell:
1) Work
2) Saw Mamma Mia with my family. Who knew Nanny would like Abba? V. cute.
3) Came home to find the Better Half gagging and unable to talk, with his throat swollen.
4) 11:30PM visit to ER, where people are golden, administer meds upon his discharge. Discover that the Better Half, despite his enlightened feminist side, is a rather puny typical sick man. At 5AM, I find him curled at my feet. Still gagging and hoarse.
1) Work.
2) Get call at work from Better Half telling me that his lower lip is now swollen as well, he's still gagging and hoarse.
3) Quick cry in a vacant doctor's office as Better Half tells me he's got to go back to the ER.
4) Dash to ER on lunch hour to check on Better Half. He's groggy from the three very sedating medications they've given him. Luckly, he was discharged before I had to be back for lunch.
5) After work, go to Better Half's house to watch him snore through the next few hours, and most of the night.
1) The Better Half's face is small again, he felt great, he left for a weekend retreat for the Diocese.
2) Work.
3) Run errands.
4) Home by 7, put on PJs.
5) Ahh.
1) Work
2) Saw Mamma Mia with my family. Who knew Nanny would like Abba? V. cute.
3) Came home to find the Better Half gagging and unable to talk, with his throat swollen.
4) 11:30PM visit to ER, where people are golden, administer meds upon his discharge. Discover that the Better Half, despite his enlightened feminist side, is a rather puny typical sick man. At 5AM, I find him curled at my feet. Still gagging and hoarse.
1) Work.
2) Get call at work from Better Half telling me that his lower lip is now swollen as well, he's still gagging and hoarse.
3) Quick cry in a vacant doctor's office as Better Half tells me he's got to go back to the ER.
4) Dash to ER on lunch hour to check on Better Half. He's groggy from the three very sedating medications they've given him. Luckly, he was discharged before I had to be back for lunch.
5) After work, go to Better Half's house to watch him snore through the next few hours, and most of the night.
1) The Better Half's face is small again, he felt great, he left for a weekend retreat for the Diocese.
2) Work.
3) Run errands.
4) Home by 7, put on PJs.
5) Ahh.