Monday, June 30, 2003

Had a good long talk with the 'rents about this past week. They are so good.

Otherwise, the new team coordinator has asked us not to use military time anymore. Just when I was getting into the habit. Darn.

New movies I have seen:

Punch Drunk Love. Adam Sandler not doing comedy. Watch Jenn snooze through the movie. You have to wanna have to think in order to enjoy this movie. I napped.

Worked a bit on my cousin's Va Tech afghan, her Christmas/Birthday/Housewarming present.


Sunday, June 29, 2003

New boring life must-do's:

Yoga 2-3 times a week

Cosby Show every night at 21:00

Will and Grace weeknights at 23:00

Knit up a storm, preferably at coffee houses

People mag each Friday/Saturday/Sunday

Looking into this DDR thing that Micah/Megan/Marian love.

South Park


Saturday, June 28, 2003

Not much going on right now. I've made a Fourth of July Resolution not to wander into any more emotional landmines. I've been through enough for one year, and it's only the end of June. I still have 5 more months of the year to go. May it be peaceful, quiet and lacking in tragedy, trauma and angst.
I've decided to live the most boring existance known to man.

Friday, June 27, 2003

Today was my 26th birthday. Celebrated at Yen Ching over General Tsao's Chicken with my parents, my cousin Kristen and John. My fortune at the end of the night: You will go through many changes before settling down happily.

Ain't that the truth.

Right now am sipping white wine and watching Breakfast At Tiffany's, which was John's gift to me.

Monday, June 23, 2003

I need to take a hiatus from this blog for a little while to resolve some very painful personal issues that have recently come to light. Thank you for your support, and hopefully I will be back soon.

Friday, June 20, 2003

I meant to go to the pub last night. I really did. The Better Half, being from Mars, decided he needed time in his cave in order to continue functioning on this planet, so I had planned to just chill out and hang with my buds. This was at 3PM, or 15:00, as I am now used to writing on my progress notes. (LaDonn is retired military). By 16:00 I was back in the office, talking to my new director Brenda about working this weekend, when we both noticed I was leaning against the doorway yawning. I was tired. I got back to my apartment around 17:45, made one final jaunt out to Krispy Kreme for the first time in months, and was snuggled in bed watching reruns of Will and Grace on cable. By 21:30, I was sound asleep. The Better Half called around 00:45 to tell me he had a nightmare and that he missed me.

It's just so darn nice walking into a mall and buying a scented candle without having to worry about breaking my budget. My apartment now smells of caramel pecan. God bless Yankee Candle Company. Also, I picked up the latest issue of Vogue and a copy of Hillary Clinton's autobio. Impulse buy. I've never really given a rat's arse about Hillary Clinton. It was either that, or the Carnie Wilson autobio. Picked up dinner, ate, went to shoot the shite with my parents.

I am on-call this weekend, meaning I sit around with a beeper. I think I bought the Clinton book just to have something to do while waiting for calls to come in. When the beeper beeps, I try to talk whoever is on the other side of the message through whatever they are trying to fix. If I have to, I go out. Also, I have two visits planned on Saturday, and possibly two visits on Sunday. My director Brenda is a bit worried about me this weekend, since last weekend she was on call and had the weekend from hell. So far, so good, I've only received pages from coworkers and our pharmacy. And that was a good four hours ago. The downside: can't drink alcohol. Otherwise, it's bomb diggity.

The Better Half came home the other night telling me he just visited Patient First. The scab on his knee, approximately 4 inches by 1 inch, came off, and he said blood was running down his leg, soaking his sock. The people at Patient First put two band-aids on it. And not two speciality band-aids that only an acute primary care facility like Patient First can provide, but two band-aids like the kind you buy at Target or probably get for free as part of the First-Aid awareness booth at the fair. This man is engaged to a nurse. I feel I have failed in some way.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Highlight of the fortnight: Got a Kate Spade bag and wallet. Helped the dying. Life is good.

Monday, June 09, 2003

So, work has been the main centerpiece of my life these past few weeks. I like going to people's houses, checking them out, and making decisions about medication and such. I still have a lot to learn, but everyone's been really great. LaDonn told me to be as kind as possible to myself, and that the staff wouldn't beat me over the head with a wet noodle if I get it right away. So far so good though, everything that goes on, whether it's policy or paperwork, has it's own system and has it's own purpose. Unlike the last place I worked, it's much more organized and less fussy.

This week I get to go and train some more in Fairfax. Basically, I'll be taking the classroom stuff that goes with the practical stuff I'm doing. I was so excited I went to Target and bought some really nice summer outfits. I got a lot of clothes, maybe 7-8 outfits, for what I thought was fairly inexpensive. I think I am now set.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Jenn's new phrase she will use ad nauseum: bomb diggity

bomb diggity: adjective: very nice, exciting, uplifting, funny, fulfilling, transplendant.
Used in a sentence: This afternoon, I had a bomb diggity time reading mags and snuggling with my cat.

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