Monday, July 28, 2003


Thanks to Daddy, who brought along his computer, I am able to blog from the beautiful yet scalding hot sands of the Outer Banks. Got here yesterday around 4, promptly jumped into the pool adjacent to our house, ate dinner and fell asleep in my bunk whilst watching J-Lo in The Wedding Planner. This morning dragged Mom to Wal-Mart in a vain attempt to find double-pointed knitting needles for FiFisaurus Rex costume. They had none. Also went to Scarborough Faire shopping center, specifically, The Island Bookstore, which is a nice kept secret that also happens to be biking distance from our mammoth compound of a house. I was searching for Cindy "Sex And The City" Chupack's book Between Boyfriends, but instead found Bark at The Moon, which is the story of The Osbournes dogs, as well as The Yarn Girls Guide to Simple Knits. I plan to go back to Scarborough on Thursday (payday...thank God for direct deposit!) to buy presents for the gang.

Speaking of, had another Bridget Jones moment on Saturday. Actually, more than a moment. More like an era. But I have no regrets. I chalk it up to the fact that I was seriously missing my FiFi, whom I had dropped off earlier at Holiday Barn, and needed a bit of T.L.C. from friends. Luckly, they stepped up to the plate and delivered, along with some Captain Morgan. Special thanks to Micah and Megan, who let me crash on their couch. You guys are the hosts with the most, as I have said before. Hopefully, you are not miffed by my overnight presence in their house, and will be on speaking terms with me when I get back. :D

There is nothing like a walk on the beach to deliver a nice cleansing to the aura. I've been contemplating my life recently. I've come to the conclusion that marriage is not all that different than wearing Christian LaCroix. LaCroix on the right person looks stunning. LaCroix on me looks like the Hindenburg trying to fit in a glo-in-the-dark Trojan. But I can admire the beautiful high quality fabrics, the cuts and lines, the colors. And maybe one day, the fashion gods will smile upon me and LaCroix will create something that makes me feel and look like Heidi Klum's much hotter younger sister, but in the meantime, Armani works for me. Versace too. And Kate Spade, you can never go wrong with Kate Spade. Oh, and Manolo...

More tommorrow!

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