Sunday, July 20, 2003

Me likey the new look to the blog. In attempting to revamp the other gifs from cats to dogs, I trashed my old template, and it's now nowhere to be found on the blogger template pick-n-choose. Still, I am warming up to it. More polished. But still trying to find pup graphics to spruce it up a bit.

FiFi has become the latest edition to the Baheads Yahoo Group. Check out her orientation questionaire by clicking on Da Baheads. In other FiFi news, you can write to her at her brand new email address (see the sidebar? Click on Write to FiFi. Good dog.) Being so smart, it didn't take her long to learn how to surf the net and make her mark on the information super highway. Now, if I can only get her to consistantly stop peeing on the rug...

After a particularly hellish Satuday on-call and paperwork out the wazoo, things have calmed down somewhat. We put in Shrek a couple of hours ago. FiFi now adds "animated dragons" to her list of animals, (including rats, lightining bugs, and my parent's dogs) that scare her.

Coming soon: FiFi's Glam-A-Ramma Foto Gallery.

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