Tuesday, September 09, 2003
I have found a new motivating factor in getting Fee to obey- Pupperonies.
Now she is snuggled next to me, her head resting on my shoulder. Last Thursday, I watched for a good hour pre-pub as she snored, her tiny body snuggled around the head of an exhausted-from-grand-opening-and-also-snoring-because-he-nodded-off-while-waiting-for-me-to-finish-my-hair Mr. Big, who was occupying her favorite pillow. As I watched the two of them, I noticed that their respirations were the same. They were inhaling and exhaling at the same time. I remember a time she was terrified of him.
Now she is snuggled next to me, her head resting on my shoulder. Last Thursday, I watched for a good hour pre-pub as she snored, her tiny body snuggled around the head of an exhausted-from-grand-opening-and-also-snoring-because-he-nodded-off-while-waiting-for-me-to-finish-my-hair Mr. Big, who was occupying her favorite pillow. As I watched the two of them, I noticed that their respirations were the same. They were inhaling and exhaling at the same time. I remember a time she was terrified of him.