Saturday, September 18, 2004

Sorry for not posting for a while. Wait, maybe that's a good thing for some of you...:D

I'd like to say that my hiatus was due to something worthwhile, such as working tirelessly on the Kerry Campaign, or discovering a talented indie film director, or knitting blankets for Iraqi orphans. But mainly I've been spending time with Fee, reading mags while huffing on the Y's treadmill, working, and dodging hurricane-induced tornadoes. I think I saw a funnel cloud last night, but I'm not sure exactly what they look like. But these clouds were low, fast moving, and sort of looked like an inverted triangle. It was near Powhatan, where a tornado warning was posted. I didn't stick around to ogle it, and I couldn't help but feel that, although I was moving away from it, it was chasing me. Freako.

I promise I'll update a bit more often, as I have found some rather interesting links.

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