Sunday, March 06, 2005

No F#*&ing Way!

Edge, you dumbass

Apparently, the WWE management is very angry at Adam Copeland and find this unbecoming conduct for an employee, according to another article. There's a thinly veiled reference to this affair on Matt Hardy's website. In his Matt Facts Section, he has written: "Matt Fact #6: Matt has never betrayed a good friend." As for me, I'm not really sure what to think about this. My friends know how strongly I feel about infidelity, and having been the one betrayed, I can completely sympathize with Matt and his feelings. This really sucks, because I like Edge and don't want to see his career f-cked over because of all of this. I hope things work out for everyone.

Sorry! I fixed the link.

It's a really f--ked up situation. Wrestlers are a close-knit bunch, and unfortunately, a lot of marriages and relationships are sacrificed in the business. This is not the first time something like this has happened. I seriously doubt Copeland will be fired because of this, and for most wrestlers, the thing that hurts the most is the fans' disappointment. At a recent house show in Greenville NC, Edge wrestled and a couple of fans had signs saying things like "Edge betrayed Matt." I am waiting to see how the next few weeks will pan out.
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