Saturday, September 10, 2005

Mi Familia

With the exception of a late afternoon hair appointment and a few errands, I got to spend the majority of the day with John, FiFi and Bob Cat for the first full 24 hours as a new family. All in all it went well. No one got snarly or hurt, and in fact, the animals do well together! Bob Cat tells you he likes you by headbutting you, which is what he has done now to all three of us numerous times. Feefer responds to him by giving him kisses. When Fee and I took our walk this morning, Bob Cat waited by the door, meowing, until John distracted him, and then when we returned, he came down to greet us. Tomorrow we are having a party so people can come and meet him!

Fee and Bob are SO cute together. Thanks for having us over!
Fee and Bob are SO cute together. Thanks for having us over!
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