Thursday, January 01, 2009

Jenn's New Years Resolutions 2009

More like suggestions than goals, but here is what has been milling around in my head for the last week or so:

Brain goals: More critical thinking, less cynicism. Skepticism, skepticism, skepticism. Start studying more physics. Embrace math. Read at least one classic that isn't "Little Women."

Body goal: Become a bronzed brick shithouse.

Music goals: Explore more classical music other than Debussy. Also, learn more lyrics to more GWAR songs...the only ones I could sing along to last night were "Bring Back The Bomb" and "Sick of You." And seriously, only the posers were singing just those two songs. I've got to make the fogey seating section proud! Just because we don't like getting jostled (the kids call it moshing) doesn't mean we ain't down with the Slavepit! Also, distinguish between what is "popular" vs what is "actually really frackin' good."

Hobby goals: Knit a garment with cables. Finally get off my arse and get the sewing machine up and running and start DIY-ing those tees that have been sitting in my closet. More blogging about important shite, not just New Years Resolutions. Never, never, ever, never, see that stupid tween vampire movie. (Sorry tweens, not interested. I go to GWAR shows- I get my fill of that weird pseudogoth crap there, merci beaucoup!)

Mental health goals: Continued temperance. More time at home. More time with pets. More time with hubby. Less time at work. More comics (when taking a break from the classics). Less Dr. Phil. More time with friends. More Riff Trax. Less prime-time reality TV.

Job goals: Less time at work. Successfully convince at least 1 nursing student that home health is her destiny. Become an avenger against quack nursing.

Adventure goals: TAM 7 in Las Vegas. "Camping" at Luray Caverns. The UVA-Tech B-ball game 2/18/09 (thanks to Jim and Judy Guy for tix!).

Miscellaneous: Nobel Prize, Total World Domination, Legalize pot and gay marriage. Fix ozone and economy. Get rid of Fee's fleas. Bring peace to Isreal. Finally find the Wonder Woman Barbie I have been searching for since December 1, 2008. Cure celebrities of their drug habits. Use more words like "hawt," "rawk," "bro," and "wootini." Reek hard of awesomeness.

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